Region Europe Annual Meeting 2003.. June 28th to July 5th 2003 Quiberon on the Atlantic coast in the Britanny region of North Western France. The meeting is open to ISP members and postal people and their spouses from all regions and the planning includes daily excursions to interesting touristic places in the region. The European Region has continued to hold annual meetings over the past 10 years in Austria, Hungary, Upper Bavarian Region of Germany, and several regions of France, in 2002 in Menton on the French Cote d'Azur. Participating members and their spouses came from several European countries as well as from the other regions of the International Society of Postmasters, America's & Australasia. Detailed information and registration forms can be requested from either of the undersigned Liaison Officer's both of whom speak & understand English. Franz Geisler or Otto Kupka Postamt Schwarzrinnstr. 6 A-6290 MAYRHOFEN AUSTRIA D-83607 HOLKIRCHEN GERMANY |